Here is what’s happening on the interweb the kids are all crazy about:

1. Scot McKnight has been carefully working through Rob Bell’s Love Wins, it is worth checking out here: http://www.patheos.com/community/jesuscreed/

2. If you haven’t ordered Tim Challies’ The Next Story than shame on you.   Check out Tim’s blog (if you are one of the few people on earth who haven’t visited it (www.challies.com) and then buy the book.  I tried to upload the book trailer and his interview but my cheap WordPress software is acting up today. 

3. If you aren’t reading Alex Speaks on a weekly basis then, frankly, I’m embarrassed for you.  Check it out here: http://alexspeaks.com/

4. My friend David French, an Iraqi war vet, takes issue with Rolling Stone’s latest piece on American soldiers serving overseas.  Check it out here:http://www.patheos.com/Resources/Additional-Resources/The-Story-Rolling-Stone-Wont-Tell-David-French-04-04-2011.html

5. The 10 greatest post-apocalyptic music videos?  http://io9.com/#!5789871/10-greatest-apocalyptic-and-post+apocalyptic-music-videos I agree with including Billy Idol, Tom Petty and Pearl Jam but where is Motley Crue’s ”Looks that Kill” or Kiss’ “All Hell is Breakin’ Loose”!  I am outraged! 

As an aside, if you are a hard rock & metal guy like me then be sure to check out the documentary on Rush “Beyond the Lighted Stage” (it is amazing!) and the new Whitesnake release.  The best hard rock album in years.

 The new & improved Pastor Matt blog launches soon.  Stay tuned.


The Gospel According to Genesis–Jacob and Why is God Gracious to Jerks?


God, Revelation and Authority Vol. 2, Chapter 3