Matthew Rawlings Matthew Rawlings

Did the Disciples Have Anything to Gain by Faking the Resurrection?

A number of atheists who haunt apologetic groups on Facebook commented on my Easter post regarding the The Five Most Common Objections to the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.  I try not to argue with people on social media as it is rarely productive but I will try to respond to a few of the challenges here.

One skeptic asserted the disciples fabricated the New Testament to reinforce their “apocalyptic hopes.”  In other words, this gentleman argued the disciples simply couldn’t let go of the hope they had placed in Jesus and that he would usher in a new age.

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Matthew Rawlings Matthew Rawlings

How to Read the Gospels for All Their Worth

It is an odd fact that throughout the centuries Christians have struggled to understand the four Gospels.  To a certain extent, the effort is understandable as, in some ways, it would have been easier to have just one Gospel that was written by Jesus himself in Aramaic as that was the spoken language of ancient Palestine.

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Matthew Rawlings Matthew Rawlings

Why I Was Depressed As A “Progressive” Christian

One of the most acclaimed episodes of the classic series The Twilight Zone is “It’s A Good Life.”  The plot focuses on a six-year old boy named Anthony who has godlike powers.  His actions are terrifying but exactly what you would expect from an immature child who, like all kids, live in the now and are almost wholly self-focused.  The meaning of the brilliant Rod Serling script (from a short story by Jerome Bixby) is clear–human beings make lousy gods.

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Matthew Rawlings Matthew Rawlings

Why I was Depressed as an Atheist

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… [laughs] Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain… Time… to die.”

-Blade Runner (1982)

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